Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

“Mabbissu Dance”

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Simple Paper
“Mabbissu Dance”

BY :
Martha Ananda Ragillia BR Panjaitan

In the first chapter I will Introduce little about Mabbissu dance.
Mabbissu dance which means sacred or powerful. The dancers are called bissu because no menstruation, no bleeding, or sacred. It said it did not bleed because Bissu immune to sharp weapons, was not able to be penetrated by a dagger, machete or hot lead. At each ceremony ritual, the Bissu always show their magic in the form of dance called Dance Mabbissu or Mabbissu.
Mabbissu dance performed by six men who dress up like a woman with golden-colored clothing and badik at the waist.  The dance performed by six male dancers, originally look ordinary. Just like dance in general, or Mabissu Maggiri accompanied by the rhythmic drum beat characteristic. In its motion, the six dancers chanting mantras To Rilangi mystical language (the ancient language of the Bugis).
Performing arts is often displayed on Bone's Anniversary celebration, thick with the aroma mystical. Besides chanting spells, in this arena also presented a variety of offerings. This offering consists of Bugis traditional pastries, fruits, chicken, buffalo head, and cattle as an offering to the spirits of ancestors.

In the second chapter I will discuss about Mabbissu dance with the step.
The Bugis tribe from South sulawesi, Indonesia divide their society into five separate genders. Two are analogous to cisgender male and female, and the remaining three are not easily comparable to Western ideas of gender which is called Bissu, Calabai, Calalai.
Bissu is one of the five genders of the Bugis, an Indonesian ethnic group of South Sulawesi Province. There are divergent theories regarding the definitive origins and meaning of "gender transcendent", as the bissu are commonly called.
Bissu has a special role as a provider of communication between humans and god through traditional ceremonies in Pre-Islamic era.
Maggiri Called 'because jabbing a sharp object on his body. Also called Mabbissu because generally exhibited by bissu. Bissu sex itself but the nature of men and women like the character in the Bugis language Bone disebu Calabai. And they do not know mate-mawin. Formerly bissu duty to rid the kingdom of Bone objects. Actions demonstrate immunity against sharp weapons or Debus through dance was not only in Banten, West Java. South Sulawesi also has Maggiri Dance / Mabissu. In this show, dancers will be stabbing himself with badik and dagger
The dance performed by six male dancers, originally look ordinary. Just like dance in general, or Mabissu Maggiri accompanied by the rhythmic drum beat characteristic. In its motion, the six dancers chanting mantras To Rilangi mystical language (the ancient language of the Bugis).
Performing arts is often displayed on Bone's Anniversary celebration, thick with the aroma mystical. Besides chanting spells, in this arena also presented a variety of offerings. This offering consists of Bugis traditional pastries, fruits, chicken, buffalo head, and cattle as an offering to the spirits of ancestors.
There are unique from the performing arts, namely clothing used by the dancers. Launch guidebook "Tourism Archipelago", the six dancers dressed like woman with golden-colored clothing and badik tucked in the waist.
Yes, dancers Mabissu usually use light-colored clothing. Chime pants skirt in green, blue, yellow, and red to complement the quirky.
With music playing, the dancers surround Arajangegnge (sacred objects) while moving with graceful hands. Initially, the movement of the dancers looks slow. However, over time the faster movements.
When the dancer became rampant, they immediately issued badik hands tucked in his waist. As if there are other controllers in the body, the dancers appear unable to resist. They were immediately pierced all over with badik nusukan it. Well, this part is known as Magiri.
Quite often, some of the dancers drop during Magiri. Although, jab a sharp weapon on his body almost none of the injuries seen
Art attraction that could make this pain, should only be performed by dancers Mabissu. Although it looks terrible, nonetheless Dance Maggiri 'or Mabissu be one of the lucky Decoy attention of tourists watched as Maggiri or Mabissu not done every day.
Never tried it! When you do not have special skills, you might get hurt exposed sharp objects.
Mabbissu dance performed by six men who dress up like a woman with golden-colored clothing and badik at the waist.

Some say, that dance is a dance bissu Mabbissu which means sacred or powerful. The dancers are called bissu because no menstruation, no bleeding, or sacred. It said it did not bleed because Bissu immune to sharp weapons, was not able to be penetrated by a dagger, machete or hot lead. At each ceremony ritual, the Bissu always show their magic in the form of dance called Dance Mabbissu or Mabbissu.
Mabbisu dance is usually performed by six major Bissu led by chairman Bissu. The Sixth Bissu dress like a woman with golden-colored clothing and badik at waist. After all the preparations are ready, to the accompaniment of a typical rhythmic drum beat, the dancers chanting mantras mystic strain To Rilangi language (the ancient language of the Bugis) while dancing around the Arajangnge. Arajangnge is an object of sacred and believed to be the ancestral spirits beristihat. In front Arajangnge has prepared a variety of offerings from Bugis traditional pastries, fruits, chicken and heads of buffalo and cattle as an offering to their ancestors.
As the strains of the drum grew louder and faster, the movement Bissu even more slowly and began their losing consciousness. At that time, if at the time they believed that the spirits of the ancestors had entered into their bodies. That's when the Bissu start modeling the movement maggiri. They release long dagger tucked waist, then thrust it into the palm of the hand, stomach and throat.
The goal is to test whether the ancestral spirits / supernatural deity has penetrated into them. If they are immune, meaning Bissu and spirit that possessed him was believed to give thanks. Conversely, if badik it penetrate and hurt their bodies, meaning that possessed her spirit is weak or even not at all possessed by ancestral spirits.
Maggiri 'this is the pinnacle of dance mabbissu, where the piercing their bodies with badik. At maggiri movement is exhibited, visitors will be amazed, and were astonished to watch the Bissu pierced their hands and neck with badik pointy and sharp, but does not leave any scars, though pressed many times with a vengeance. However, if there is a requirement in this dance are not met, then badik will penetrate their bodies.
In the final chapter I will give a conclusion from Mabbissu dance.
Although deviating from religious values, we as a generation must preserve cultural Pangkep Mabbissu dance that has become a tradition of ancestor Pangkep district.
Martha Ananda R BR P

Thank God we prayed the presence of Almighty God for the blessings and grace of Allah I can complete my simple paper that discussed the "Mabbissu dance". As this paper we made in order to help smooth the learning process and also to help increase our value disemester this odd. In addition, we also expect my simple paper can be useful to increase knowledge about the "Mabbissu dance" which is part of the Pangkep culture.

                                                                                                Pangkaje’ne, 7 Desember 2012


So I've compiled this simple paper. Hopefully what we've been stacking can be useful later to help both to increase in value as well as to help the learning process.Once again we apologize if the entire contents of the papers that I put there are some errors and mistakes. Therefore, the willingness of friends, father / mother teacher, or the readers to contribute suggestions and criticisms.
So and Thank You.

Martha Ananda R BR P

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